Top 5 Yoga Poses for Weight loss Quickly-Tested

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Written by Yoga Mentor Keshav, with facts sourced from Ancient Indian Ayurvedic and Yogic Textbooks, as well as scientific research.

Yoga has been practiced in India for thousands of years. It’s an ancient practice that helps people relax and improve their overall well being. It is possible to loose weight with Yoga asanas. There have been several research and findings that Yoga for weight loss is effective and can be practiced for weight loss quickly. Facts Checked.

5 Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Is yoga good for loosing weight ?

First of all you need to know what are important factors that help for weight loss. These are few things your should keep in your mind when your go for a weight loss programme.

    • Healthy lifestyle
    • Healthy diet
    • Exercise

    When you combine these factors with these 5 yoga poses, you will be able to loose weight quickly.

    You will not only loose weight but certainly improve your flexibility, mental health and stress level. Yoga asanas will remove the physical discomfort and decrease your cortisol level thus effective in anti-depression. Facts Checked.

    The 5 Yoga poses shown below will help you lose weight quickly.

    Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

    These five asanas have been chosen just because these asanas have been used in our yoga classes and they are found to be best yoga for weight loss. These asanas were performed for at least for 3 months and were combined with diet and lifestyle reset.

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    The 5 Yoga poses shown below will help you lose weight quickly.

      • Utthanpadasana (Raised leg pose)
      • Dandasana (Stick pose)
      • Pawanmuktasana (Leg lock pose)
      • Vyghrasana (Tiger Pose)
      • Shashank-Bhujangasana (Striking cobra pose)


      Asana’s are treated first, because they form the first stage of Hatha Yoga. Asana’s make one firm, free from maladies and light of limb - Hatha Yoga Pradipika.

      1. Utthanpadasana (Raised leg pose)

      Utthanpadasana (raised leg pose) is very useful to remove belly fat and contributes to weight loss. It also strengthens abdominal muscles and organs.

      How to do Utthanpadasana (Raised leg pose) ? See the Video.

      Utthanapadasana Yoga for weight loss


      Utthanapadasana Yoga for weight loss

      Lie on the Yoga mat and the palms flat on the floor.

      Raise your right leg, keeping it straight, and inhale. Keeping it straight and the foot relaxed.

      The left leg should remain straights and in contract with the floor.

      Hold the posture for 3 to 5 seconds, counting mentally and retaining the breath.

      Exhale and slowly lower the leg to the floor.

      This is one round continue for 10 rounds

      It should be practiced with progressive heights as legs in 45, 75, and 90 degree respectively.

      2. Dandasana (Stick pose)

      Dandasana (Stick pose) is very useful to remove fat from your belly and contributes to weight loss. It also strengthens abdominal, arms muscles and organs.

      How to do Dandasana (Stick Pose) ?

      Dandasana Yoga for weight loss


      Dandasana Yoga for weight loss

      Assume marjari-asana.

      Keep calm. Take your left leg backwards and wrap the foot well on the toe and fingers.

      The left leg should remain straights and in contract with the floor.

      Keep looking ahead and keep your head straight. Breathing should be normal and relaxed.

      Take your right leg back also and fix the foot properly.

      Hold the posture for at least 10 seconds, counting mentally and breathing normally.

      This is one round continue for 5 rounds initially.

      Remember to maintain a slope of your body and look ahead when you retain your pose.

      3. Pawanmuktasana (Leg lock pose)

      Pawanmuktasana (leg lock pose) is very useful to remove belly fat and contributes to weight loss. It also strengthens abdominal muscles and organs.

      How to do Pawanmuktasana (Leg Lock Pose) ?

      Pawanmuktasana Yoga for weight loss


      Pawanmuktasana Yoga for weight loss

      Lie on the Yoga mat.

      Lie down on your back with both legs extended. Bend the right knee and bring the right leg to your chest.

      Inhale and fill your lungs completely, raise the head and shoulders, keeping the knees straight, and touch the right knee with the nose.

      Hold the pose for a few seconds in the final position, hold your breath and count.

      While exhaling slowly return to the starting position.

      Relax your body.
      Repeat 5 times with right foot 5 times with left foot

      Repeat once again with both the legs.

      4. Vyaghrasana (Tiger pose)

      Vyaghrasana (Tiger Pose) is very useful to remove fat from abdominal and thigh and hip muscles. It tones the reproductive system and super beneficial for women after pregnancy and contributes to weight loss

      How to do Vyaghrasana (Tiger Pose) ?

      Shashank-Bhujangasana Yoga for weight loss


      Vyaghrasana (tiger pose) Yoga for weight loss

      Be in a pose of vajrasana then move your body into marjari-asana and look ahead.

      Your hands should be placed directly below the shoulders.

      Do not strain yourself and be relaxed.

      Straighten your right leg and stretch it up and back.

      Bend your right knee and point your toes towards the head.

      Look up and try to point out the toes towards back of the head.

      Hold your breath for at least 5 seconds and remain in the pose.

      Straighten your right leg, bend the knee and swing your leg under your hips.

      Similarly, there will be an arch of your back and now bend the head down towards your knee. Press the knee against the chest and try to touch your nose to the knee.

      Fix your eyes on the knee for at least 5 seconds, retain the breath outside.

      More your foot straight back and again stretch your leg.

      Remember, your right foot should not touch the floor.

      Bend the knee and continue to perform with relaxed and rhythmic slow swinging movements.

      Similarly, repeat this with other leg also. Perform for 10 rounds with right and left leg.

      5. Shashank-Bhujangasana

      Shashank-Bhujangasana (Striking Cobra Pose) is not only strenghthen and tightens the abdominal and pelvic muscles but also helpful to remove belly fat and contributes to weight loss.

      It is an excellent asana for post-natal and for menstrual disorders.

      How to do Shashank-Bhujangasana (Striking Cobra Pose) ?

      Shashank-Bhujangasana Yoga for weight loss


      Shashank-Bhujangasana Yoga for weight loss

      Be in marjari-asana, place your palms flat on the floor under the shoulders about half a metre apart.

      Move your body to shashankasana with the arms spread in front of the shoulders.

      Then, without changing the position of the hands, move the chest forward, sliding it just above the floor until it is in parallel with the hands.

      Move the chest further forward and then upward, as the arms straighten, and lower the pelvis to the floor.

      Ideally, the nose and chest should just brush the surface of the floor as the body moves forward.

      Movement of your body should be like a dance and rhythmic.

      Do not strain yourself to be in final pose.

      Try to bring your hips as near to the floor as possible.

      In the final pose, your arms should be straight, your back is bend as an arch and your head should be raised as in bhujangasana. Your naval should not touch the floor.

      Retain your breath, and hold this pose for a at least for 5 seconds.

      Slowly raise your buttocks and move your body backwards, keep your arms straight while returning to shashankasana.

      Do not try to reverse the previous movement but keep the arms straight.

      You should practice for at least 7-10 rounds.

      Remember to relax in shashankasana when you complete one round.


      These five asana will certainly benefit you to loose weight quickly and strengthen your body. Remember to perform shavasana after doing all these five asana.

      Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

      Q. Which yoga pose is best for weight loss?

      Utthanapadasana, Dandasana, Pawanmuktasana, Vyaghrasana and Shashank-Bhujangasana are best for weight loss. There are other yoga asanas such as Surya Namaskar, Supta Udarakarshana which are equally best for loosing weight.

      Q. Can you loose weight fast by doing yoga ?

      Yes, you can loose weight fast by doing yoga with an experienced yoga professional. An experienced yoga teacher will design your personal yoga sequences and personal diet to loose weight fast.

      Q. Is 30 minutes of yoga a day enough to loose weight?

      Yes, 30 minutes of yoga session is enough to loose weight when you do it regularly and keep proper daily routine and diet.

      Q. Is power yoga effective for weight loss?

      Yes, power yoga is nothing but a combination of several intense asanas. You should always do yoga asanas with an experienced yoga teacher. Power yoga is effective for weight when you do with a yoga teacher.

      Q. Can you lose weight by doing yoga?

      A. Yes, there are several intense asanas that will help you lose weight. Plank Pose, Warrior Pose and Downward dog pose are some that are very effective. 

      Q. What is the best time for yoga?

      A. The best time to do yoga is in the morning when your conscious and subconscious minds are calm and relaxed. There are not much thoughts are running in your minds. Evenings are also good for yoga practice. 

      Q. How many calories do yoga burn in 30 minutes?

      A. A 30 minutes of intense yoga session will burn at least 110-120 calories. It is good not to look for calories burn but you will get more calm mind and relaxed body with yoga sessions. 

      Q. Is 25 minutes of yoga a day enough?

      A. Yes, a 25-day yoga session is great for improving and energizing your body and mind. An intense 25 min yoga session can also help you lose weight. 

      Q. Which morning yoga is good for weight loss?

      A. Early morning is good for weight loss. You can start with Surya Namaskar early in the morning when sun rises. Also other intense yoga asanas such as Utthanapadasana, Dandasana, Pawanmuktasana, Vyaghrasana and Shashank-Bhujangasana are also good for weight loss in the morning.

      Q. How can I lose weight in yoga in 10 days?

      A. Weight loss is a holistic approach which requires planned diet, regular routine and exercise . If you follow these steps you will certainly see some positive changes in loosing weight.

      Q. Which yoga is effective for weight loss in 7 days?

      A. When your do yoga with awareness of breath and movement you can increase flexibility and see effective results in weight loss in 7 days. Vinyas and Power Yoga will help you for weight loss in 7 days.  

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