What should you do in Summer? – Ayurveda lifestyle

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Written by Yoga Mentor Keshav, with facts sourced from Ancient Indian Ayurvedic and Yogic Textbooks, as well as scientific research.

In Ayurveda, the summer season is associated with the Pitta dosha, which represents the elements of fire and water. To balance Pitta and stay healthy during the summer, Ayurveda recommends various ayurveda lifestyle guidelines.

Summer Ayurveda lifestyle

Charak Samhita states that during the summer season, the intensity of the sun increases, leading to an aggravation of the Pitta dosha in the body.

Pitta represents the elements of fire and water and is responsible for metabolism, digestion, and body temperature regulation.

What charak samhita or other ayurvedic text book say aobut summer lifestyle, let’s find out in these points :

    1. Daily Routine (Vihar)
    2. Diet
    3. Clothing
    4. Ayurvedic Herbs
    5. Yoga


1. Daily Routine

Rise early in the morning, preferably before sunrise. The atmosphere is cooler during this time, and it allows you to start your day with a calm and peaceful mind.

Avoid excessive sun exposure during peak hours and make sure to wear protective clothing and use natural sunscreens.

Wear protective clothing, including a hat and lightweight, loose-fitting garments made of natural fabrics like cotton or linen. Use a natural sunscreen to protect your skin.

2. Summer Diet

To balance Pitta during summer, Charak Samhita recommends consuming light and easily digestible foods.

Foods with sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes are preferred, while sour, salty, and pungent tastes should be consumed in moderation.

Fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy products are considered suitable for the summer season.

Staying hydrated during the summer is important.

Ayurveda suggests consuming cooling beverages and herbal concoctions to prevent dehydration and maintain the fluid balance in the body.

As the pitta is aggravated in summer follow pitta-pacifying diet .

Try these 7 Recommendation for Ayurveda lifestyle Diet

Follow these 7 recommendation in summer for ayurveda lifestyle diet :

  • Sweet fruits: Include sweet and juicy fruits such as watermelon, pomegranate, grapes, mangoes, and sweet berries. Some of them are :
  • Cooling vegetables: Opt for vegetables that have a high water content and a cooling effect such as  cucumber (kheera), bottle gourd (lauki), ridge gourd (torai), ash gourd (petha), snake gourd (chichinda), pumpkin (kaddu).
  • Sweet and bitter tastes: Consume foods with sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes such as rice, oats, coconut, spinach. Astringent tastes include lentils, beans, pomegranate and unripe banana
  • Cooling spices: Use cooling spices in your cooking, such as coriander, fennel, cumin, mint, and cilantro. 
  • Coconut water: Drink coconut water as a natural and refreshing beverage. It helps hydrate the body and replenish electrolytes.
  • Herbal teas: Enjoy herbal teas like mint, coriander, rose, or chamomile. These teas have cooling properties and can be consumed hot or cold.
  • Avoid spicy and oily foods: Minimize or avoid spicy, greasy, and fried foods as they can aggravate Pitta and create heat in the body.


3. Summer Clothing

Wear loose-fitting, breathable clothes made of natural fibers like cotton or linen to allow proper air circulation and prevent overheating.

The best colours to wear in hot summer are white, gray, blue, purple and green.

Avoid red, orange, dark yellow and black, which absorb and retain heat and will aggravate pitta.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle
Skincare Tips in Summer

4. Ayurvedic Herbs in Summer

According to Charak Samhita, an ancient Ayurvedic text, a variety of herbs can be utilized during the summer to restore balance to Pitta and enhance overall well-being.

Notably, herbs such as coriander, fennel, mint, sandalwood, and rose are often recommended.

These herbs possess remarkable cooling and balancing properties, rendering them especially advantageous for the summer season.

Triphala is one of the herbal ayurvedic rasayana which can be taken in summer. 

Read this also : Discovering the Power of Triphala: A Natural Remedy for Optimal Health

By incorporating these herbs into your Ayurvedic routine, you can experience their rejuvenating effects and maintain a harmonious state of being throughout the summer months.

Here are some herbs commonly used in Ayurveda for summer:

1. Aloe Vera (Ghrit Kumari): Aloe vera has a cooling and soothing effect on the body. Its gel is often used topically for sunburns and skin irritations. Consuming aloe vera juice can also help cool the body internally.

2. Bael or Aegle marmelos or Wood Apple (Bel):

The fruit of the Bel tree is known for its delicious taste and is commonly consumed in the form of juice, pulp, or as an ingredient in various Ayurvedic preparations.

It is highly regarded for its ability to pacify Pitta dosha, which tends to aggravate during summer, causing heat-related imbalances in the body.

Bel is a natural coolant that helps in reducing body heat and quenching thirst.

Its juice acts as a natural electrolyte, replenishing essential minerals and fluids lost through perspiration.

This makes it an excellent choice for preventing dehydration and heatstroke during hot summer days.

3. Coriander (Dhaniya): Coriander is known for its cooling and digestive properties. It can be used in cooking or added to beverages to provide a refreshing and cooling effect.

4. Mint (Pudina): Mint has a cooling and calming effect on the body. It can be used in teas, beverages, or added to dishes as a flavoring herb.

Mint helps alleviate digestive issues and provides a refreshing sensation.

5. Brahmi (Gotu Kola): Brahmi is a renowned herb for its cooling properties and its ability to support mental clarity and calmness.

It is often used in Ayurvedic preparations for its rejuvenating effects on the nervous system.

6. Sandalwood (Chandana): Sandalwood has a cooling and soothing effect on the skin.

It is commonly used in the form of powder, paste, or oil for its refreshing and calming properties.

7. Fennel (Shatapushpa): Fennel seeds have a cooling effect and can help alleviate digestive discomfort. They can be consumed directly or added to beverages or dishes.

8. Rose (Gulab): Rose petals and rose water are known for their cooling and calming properties.

Rose water can be used as a facial toner or added to beverages and desserts for a refreshing flavor.

9. Licorice (Mulethi): Licorice has cooling and soothing effects on the body. It can be consumed as a tea or in the form of powder, supporting the digestive system and providing a calming effect.

10. Cardamom (Elaichi): Cardamom is a cooling and aromatic herb that aids digestion and helps balance Pitta. It can be used in cooking, beverages, or consumed directly.

5. Yoga in Summer

Do some mild yoga asana and meditation daily. Certain styles and practices of yoga can be beneficial during the summer season to help balance the body and mind.

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If you want to loose weight in summer watch this video:

Here are some suggestions for Yoga in Summer:

Gentle and cooling yoga

During the summer, it is beneficial to choose gentle and cooling yoga practices that help pacify the heat and intensity of the season.

Read this also : How to do Bridge Pose?

Slow-paced Hatha yoga can be suitable choices. This practice focus on deep stretching, relaxation, and calming the mind.


Pranayama, the practice of yogic breathing practice, serves as an effective tool for balancing Pitta dosha and cultivating a sense of calm and coolness during the summer season.

In particular, two pranayama techniques, namely Sheetali and Sheetkari, can be embraced for their exceptional cooling properties and ability to alleviate body heat.

By inhaling through the mouth or tongue, these techniques provide a refreshing sensation while aiding in the reduction of excess heat.

Incorporating these transitional practices into your summer routine can contribute to a harmonious and serene state of being.

Meditation and mindfulness

Engaging in regular meditation and mindfulness practices can help create a sense of inner calm and balance during the summer season.

Sitting in a cool and peaceful environment, focusing on the breath, or practicing guided visualizations can be helpful. Empty bowl meditation or So Hum Meditation is helpful.

Sitali Kriya

Sitali Kriya is a specific yogic practice that involves a cooling breathing technique.

It is known for its cooling and soothing effects on the body and mind. In this practice, the breath is drawn in through a rolled tongue or a small gap between the teeth to create a cooling sensation.

Jal Neti

Jal Neti is a cleansing technique practiced in Ayurveda that involves rinsing the nasal passages with warm saline water.

It is a simple yet powerful method for nasal hygiene and maintaining clear nasal passages.

Nature Yoga

Taking your yoga practice outdoors can be enjoyable during the summer. Practicing yoga in nature, such as in a park or near water bodies, forest, can provide a sense of connection with the elements and help you stay connected with the environment.

Take a sneak peak of our Yoga Practice with Nature Here :


Ayurveda provides helpful advice for maintaining a balanced lifestyle during the summer season.

By following Ayurvedic principles like adjusting our diet, engaging in suitable physical activities, protecting ourselves from excessive heat, and keeping a calm mind, we can stay healthy and comfortable during the summer.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Q1 What Ayurveda says about summer season?

A1. Ayurveda says that that during the summer season, the intensity of the sun increases, leading to an aggravation of the Pitta dosha in the body.
Pitta represents the elements of fire and water and is responsible for metabolism, digestion, and body temperature regulation.

Q2. What are some common imbalances that can occur during the summer season according to Ayurveda? or Which dosha is predominant in summer?

A2: According to Ayurveda, Pitta dosha tends to get aggravated during summer, leading to imbalances such as excessive heat, inflammation, digestive issues, and skin irritations.

Q3: What dietary recommendations does Ayurveda offer for maintaining balance during summer?

A3: Ayurveda suggests consuming sweet, bitter, and astringent foods while reducing intake of sour, salty, and pungent tastes.

It recommends incorporating cooling fruits, vegetables, herbs, and hydrating beverages to keep the body cool and balanced.

Q4: How can Ayurveda help in preventing heat-related disorders during the summer?

A4: Ayurveda advises avoiding excessive sun exposure, staying hydrated, wearing appropriate clothing, and using cooling therapies such as herbal pastes or powders to protect against heat-related disorders like sunburn, heatstroke, and dehydration.

Q5: What types of exercise or physical activities are recommended during the summer season in Ayurveda?

A6: Ayurveda suggests engaging in gentle exercises, such as Hatha yoga, walking, swimming, or moderate outdoor activities during cooler times of the day to prevent overheating and maintain a balanced body temperature.

Q7: How can Ayurveda support better sleep during the summer season?

A7: Ayurveda recommends maintaining a regular sleep routine, sleeping in a cool and well-ventilated room, and using natural cooling techniques like taking a cool shower or using cooling herbal oils before bedtime to promote restful sleep.

Q8: Are there any specific herbs or herbal remedies recommended in Ayurveda for summer?

A8: Ayurveda suggests using cooling herbs like coriander, fennel, mint, and rose to balance Pitta and provide a refreshing effect during summer. These herbs can be incorporated into meals, beverages, or used in the form of herbal teas or infusions.

Q9: How does Ayurveda emphasize the importance of maintaining a calm and relaxed mind during the summer season?

A9: Ayurveda encourages practicing meditation, deep breathing exercises, and engaging in calming activities like spending time in nature, listening to soothing music, or engaging in creative pursuits to keep the mind cool and balanced during the summer.

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