How to Do Chakrasana Benefits and Common Mistakes to Avoid

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Written by Yoga Mentor Keshav, with facts sourced from Ancient Indian Ayurvedic and Yogic Textbooks, as well as scientific research.

Chakrasana, also known as the Wheel Pose, is a powerful backbend in yoga that offers many benefits, such as increased flexibility, strength, and energy flow. This pose opens the chest, strengthens the spine, and revitalizes the body. However, proper technique and care are required to avoid injury and get the most out of your practice.

Chakrasana Benefits

In this blog, we will explain how to perform Chakrasana, its benefits, and the dos and don’ts to remember.

Introduction to Chakrasana

From the Sanskrit words “Chakra” meaning wheel and “Asana” meaning posture, Wheel Pose, also known as Urdhva Dhanurasana or Upward Bow Pose, is an advanced yoga pose named for the wheel-like arch it creates.

Benefits of Chakrasana

Chakrasana offers several  health benefits by positively impacting various body systems:

Improves Mental Clarity: It stimulates the nervous system, helping to improve mental clarity and alertness.

Digestive System: Chakrasana enhances digestion by stretching and massaging the abdominal organs, which can help relieve digestive issues.

Respiratory System: This Yoga pose opens up the chest and lungs, improving breathing and increasing lung capacity.

Good for the Heart: By expanding the chest, Chakrasana promotes better blood circulation and supports heart health.

Regulates Hormone Production: This pose influences hormonal balance by stimulating the glands, and helping regulate hormone production.

Gynecological Health: Chakrasana can help relieve various gynecological disorders by improving circulation to the pelvic region and balancing hormones.

Also Read : How to do Bridge Pose ?

Steps to Perform Chakrasana

  1. Starting Position: Lie on your back with your knees bent, bringing your heels close to your buttocks. Keep your feet and knees about 30 cm apart. Place your palms on the floor beside your head, with your fingers pointing towards your shoulders. This is your starting position.


  2. Initial Lift: Slowly raise your body, arching your back, and allowing the crown of your head to support your upper body. If needed, move your hands closer to your body for more support.


  3. Full Lift: Straighten your arms and legs as much as possible without straining. Lift your head and trunk off the floor, creating a high arch in your back. Straighten your knees further by moving your trunk towards your head. Let your head hang between your straight arms.


  4. Balancing: Lift your heels off the ground and balance your hands for a few seconds. Then, gently lower your heels back to the floor.

  5. Hold the Pose: Hold the final position for as long as it feels comfortable, maintaining a high arch in your back.


  6. Lowering Down: Slowly lower your body back to the floor, resting your head first, followed by the rest of your body. This completes one round of Chakrasana.


  7. Breathing: Inhale in the starting position. Hold your breath while lifting your body. Either retain your breath or breathe normally in the final position. Exhale as you lower your body back to the floor.


  8. Duration: Maintain the pose for as long as it feels comfortable for you. Practice up to 3 rounds.

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Essential tips and cautions for Chakrasana

Tips :

  • Warm-Up: Ensure you warm up your body with preliminary and intermediate backward bending poses before attempting Chakrasana.
  • Soft Surface: Practice Chakrasana on a  good mat to protect your head. Avoid practicing on a slippery surface like a blanket.
  • Preparatory Poses: If you find it difficult to lift your body, do not strain. Practice easier postures like Setu Asana (Bridge Pose) as preparation.
  • Proper Alignment: Focus on relaxing your spine and ensure proper alignment of your chest and abdomen.
  • Breathing: Pay attention to your breathing throughout the pose, following the guidelines for inhaling, holding, and exhaling.


  • Avoid If Unwell: Do not practice Chakrasana if you are unwell, have weak wrists or a weak back, are pregnant, or feel tired.
  • No Straining: Never strain to achieve the pose. If your nervous system isn’t ready, it’s okay to practice easier poses first.
  • Avoid During Pregnancy: Chakrasana should not be practiced during pregnancy.
  • Not for Beginners: Do not attempt Chakrasana until you have mastered preparatory and intermediate poses. It’s an advanced posture that requires practice and readiness.

Also Read : Top 5 Yoga Poses for Weight Loss.

Common Mistakes of Wheel Pose and How to Avoid Them

Mistake 1:  Hand Placement Not Right

  • Solution: Make sure your hands are shoulder-width apart with fingers pointing towards your shoulders. Press evenly through your palms.

Mistake 2: Spreading Knees Outwards

  • Solution: Keep your feet hip-width apart and press your inner thighs towards each other to maintain proper knee alignment.

Mistake 3: Arching Lower Back Excessively

  • Solution: Engage your core muscles and focus on lifting through your chest to distribute the backbend evenly throughout your spine.

Mistake 4: Neglecting Breathing

  • Solution: Breathing is the key to every Yoga Asana, practice deep, controlled breaths. Inhale as you lift your hips and exhale as you return to base pose.


Chakrasana is a pose that increases flexibility, strength, and overall vitality. You can safely practice this powerful pose in your yoga practice by following the proper steps, understanding the tips and cautions, and avoiding common mistakes.

Remember, patience and consistent practice are key to mastering Chakrasana (Wheel Pose). Have questions? Please write us !

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